Patrons Association
One of the principal objectives of the Surrey LTA Patrons Association is to assist with the development of tennis in the County.
The Association also organises social events for its members. Details of some of these events can be found in the attached Newsletters.
Anyone interested in joining the Patrons Association, which supports tennis in the County and carries an entitlement to enter a separate Wimbledon Ticket ballot, should contact the Patrons Secretary, Peter Lane on 01737 353541 or by email , who will be pleased to send you an application form. Applicants need to be over 18 and resident in the County, or a member of a Surrey Club. The entry fee is £75 and the annual subscription £45
During the year a re-structuring has seen the introduction of a new group entitled “Friends of Surrey Tennis”. At present the membership comprises former Patrons who no longer wish to enter the Wimbledon Ticket Ballot, as well as a number of Life Patrons who are making annual donations. Anyone who wishes to join is welcome to contact Sally Parker. All the income from this scheme goes directly to the support of the Junior Performance Programme.