Junior Funding Grant
The trust is a registered charity set up in 1983 with funds donated by the charitable settlement set up by the late Vernon Ely. Vernon’s settlement has added to the funds annually and Surrey Tennis has also added substantial donations.The trustees’ policy is to distribute its income annually to assist aspiring junior tennis players achieve their potential.
Due to a successful investment policy over the last few years plus increased donations the trust now has around £28,000 available for distribution annually as grants.To enable the process to be as transparent as possible grants will only be considered when an application form is submitted by a parent or guardian.The amount of each grant will be decided by the trustees based on the details in the application form and other information (e.g. rankings) available to the trustees. Please give as much information as possible about your tennis activities.
The Surrey Junior Trust is a registered charity (Charity No.286244) established in 1983 with funds donated by a charitable settlement from the late Vernon Ely. The Trust continues to be supported by donations from the Vernon Ely settlement and Surrey Tennis which are invested by the Trustees.
The purpose of the Trust Fund is to support the development of talented and aspiring junior players so that they can reach their potential and achieve their tennis ambitions. Grants may be provided to any eligible junior player, but priority will be given to help those from disadvantaged backgrounds or those who demonstrate a greater need. Learn more about the Junior Trust fund by clicking below.
HONORARY LIFE VICE-PRESIDENTSWendy Berry, Sheila Burditt, David Cianfarani, David Coyte, Keith Glass, Mary Harper, Peter Lane, Mary Lane, Chris Major, Sally Parker, John Phillips, Maureen Pinnegar, Carole Pullen, Peter Sales, Tina Sawyer-Smith, Tony Scarlett, Christine Wilding, Pam Willson