The trust is a registered charity set up in 1983 with funds donated by the charitable settlement set up by the late Vernon Ely. Vernon’s settlement has added to the funds annually and in recent years Surrey Tennis has also added substantial donations.
The trustees policy is to distribute its income annually to assist aspiring junior tennis players achieve their potential. Due to a successful investment policy over the last few years plus increased donations, the trust now has around £25,000 available for distribution annually as grants. To enable the process to be as transparent as possible grants will only be considered when an application form is submitted by a parent or guardian.
The normal grant per application is £500 and the trustees will consider each application on merit. However the trustees reserve the right to pay more or less depending on circumstances. Please give as much information as possible about your tennis activities.
All applicants must normally have represented Surrey in a Junior County Cup Team during this summer and must be between 9 and 18 years of age.
Applications will be considered by the Trustees and grants will be awarded once a year in September. Each player can only receive one grant per year.
To apply, complete the below application form by Tuesday 31st August 2021. Any questions? contact admin@surrey.tennis